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Please check the pricing before booking your session.

Talk with a psychologist 60 minutes
to heal a trauma or find out solutions for ongoing issues
Talk with a psychologist 40 minutes
to understand present issues and find efficient solutions
ค่ าบริการบุคคลทั่วไป
Individual Clients
All listed pricing is for tele-counseling and tele-coaching services; through an online platform (Zoom) and telephone. The pricing depends upon the following factors:
Language: Thai and English
Student rate (for undergraduate and graduate students whose student card is still valid.
The service provider is accredited with a doctoral degree.
To receive a student rate, please show a valid student ID card before booking a session.
Professional Counseling Service
(60 minutes)

Video call (camera on)
Student rate*



Voice call (camera off)
Student rate*


Student rate*

The service provider is accredited for a doctoral degree.
*Please show your valid student card when booking.
Brief Counseling Service (40 minutes)

Video call (camera on)
Student rate



Voice call (camera off)
Student rate


Student rate

The service provider is accredited for a doctoral degree.
*Please show your valid student card when booking.
Performace Coaching (60 minutes)

Video call (camera on)
Student rate



Voice call (camera off)
Student rate


Student rate

The service provider is accredited for a doctoral degree.
*Please show your valid student card when booking.
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